This blog is a new venture for me.
I started it because my other writing gig came to an end and I figured this would be a new venue for self-expression.
I never figured I'd actually have fans (not pictured).
Recently, I've received posts and messages from around the country.
Literally from the west coast to northeast and here in Florida.
That's surreal to me.
When this started, I figured, I could get my brother, my parents, my girlfriend, and maybe even a few friends to read it.
It would be a fun way for me to take the ideas that roll around in my head ALL day, and put em on paper (so to speak).
My biggest thought on fans and fandom is, base it on talent.
That's my biggest beef with American pop culture.
Too often, people are now famous for being famous.
Reality television has elevated morons to super-star status based on their hyperactive reproductive abilities or their ability to play out the worst sterotypes of Italian-Americans (without actually being Italian, I'm looking at you Snookie Berkowitz, who are you fooling?)
So, if I get any fan support, I want it to be because I grind it out and earn it.
To be honest, and my brother happily reminds me of this on a routine basis, I'm not there yet.
I would argue I'm not even close.
But I don't say that to be woe-is-me.
I say that because I plan to keep working, keep grinding, and trying to get better.
The other funny aspect of having any kind of fan support, is you can't let it change your behavior.
That drives me nuts about fame and recognition.
People alter their behavior based on their audience.
My model of how to handle that is Yankees closer Mariano Rivera.
I think about him often.
I don't believe in much in this world. I'm about as skeptical/cynical as they come by both birth and vocation.
Death, taxes, and Mo in the 9th.
The thing about Mariano is he NEVER changed what he does. Time of year, importance of game, number of fans, he calmly throws his cutter. That's it. One pitch. Again and again and again. Hit or don't. He does it calmly and consistently.
I just realized, Mariano has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
I just really like Mariano Rivera.
He's had way more longevity than that Justin Bieber will ever have.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go hit the eye-roll button on myself...
We were only trying to be nice.
ReplyDeleteS'alright, I hit the riveting button for ya, so it balances out.
ReplyDeleteDukie that's why you're awesome! Tell them all to stick it!
ReplyDeleteYolanda, not quite sure what you mean. JMB I appreciate any and all riveting button clicks. Zach, I appreciate it. I always try to be honest
ReplyDeleteMessage clear. I was told to read you in class but not exactly sure why now.
haha, I was trying to capture how surreal the internet can be, not turn away readers! Camille, I hope I didnt' lose ya just like that
ReplyDeleteAny students I recommend read this blog, looks like one has commented above, should continue. You can learn from Mr. Lang and his talent. I may have misinformed you about his status as an amateur writer that's my failing but it doesn't diminish his talent.
ReplyDelete@Lang-- Mo would never make the gesture to the crowd you made in the above posting.
this post was in no way meant as a slight on my readers and shouldn't be read as such. I was just commenting on the unusual nature of the internet, in that strangers are reading my work. Being that this blog is less than two months old, that's new to me.
ReplyDeleteAs I always say, thanks for reading! I mean that because I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read my work.
Do you just say Justin Bieber in every post for the SEO?
ReplyDeleteandrew, it's a running gag on this blog. First time I wrote Bieber, the page hits spiked. And so now, I do it jokingly.
ReplyDeleteI"m glad I read the comments on this blog. After yesterday's comments its obvious who this is aimed at. I think those girls wanted to compliment you. I enjoy the "funny' Dukie not the cruel one.
ReplyDeletebarb I'm sorry you feel that there is a "cruel" dukie. I don't aim my writing at anyone. I just express ideas that roll around in my head. I must stress again, this was a commentary on the nature of the internet. If anything this was self-depricating. Either way, thanks for reading.
ReplyDeleteWas Mariano Rivera a crack baby? He kind of has that look, like that Duke basketball player from a year or two ago.