Hello, blog readers. How are you?
It's been a few days. I haven't written. I know, I know, not a great way to build a following.
I blame it on what you see in this picture. Delicious Soup. I've been a little preoccupied doing the jew thing the last few days. Two nights, two seders. It was delightful.
To all of those celebrating Passover, Hope you had a great one and that your Matza-induced constipation passes quickly.
Plenty has happened in the world that caught my eye. So I figured I'd do this one like I used to write my radio show for the Mad Dog show. Quick Hitters style. Imagine Greg Cote's "random evidence of the cluttered mind," if he were actually capable of being funny.
Let's kick it off with Mad Dog. The BEST news I've heard this week is that Jim Mandich, the Mad Dog, will be appearing on WQAM on Friday morning during the 9 o'clock hour. I cannot wait to hear Jim's voice on my radio dial again. I can't wait to hear an update on his condition.
This town needs Jim Mandich something fierce. In his absence, I think we've all realized the greatness of his presence.
He adds perspective, excitement, reason, and adult discourse, to a medium FIERCELY in need of it. Even if its just for an hour, this will be the first MUST-LISTEN, I can remember in a long-time.
Here's how excited I am, I'm actually going to set my alarm clock for 8:55. Anyone who knows me, knows, I'm not usually happy when I'm awake before 11.
Hey Dorell Wright,
Keep your Magic Johnson in your pants. My buddy Will wrote on Facebook, Dorell Wright's web-picture is a reminder that you don't show your face when you post things on the internet.
I have a crazier idea Dorell.
Don't post your penis.
Do you realize, that as a first round pick, Dorell Wright has more naked pictures on the internet, than All-Star apperances?
I'm not going to say I googled the picture.
But there's a reason Coach Spo plays him at small forward.
And then, when you get caught with a web penis picture, Don't issue a public apology.
Don't say anything.
How would you like to have to write THAT press release?
Have to admit, I was a little surprised by the BIG Ricky Martin news.
He came out...
AS alive.
I hadn't heard from him since the Vida Loca. Wasn't that like 1998?
I truly could care less about his personal business.
I just thought it was funny that someone whose career is so done, could still make headlines (regardless of what those headlines are).
This one is mostly for my jewish friends, or folks who have attended many Seders.
First of all, for the uninitiated, Seder literally translated means ORDER.
Which if you've ever eaten dinner with ANY jewish family, takes on a comedic irony.
Secondly, is there any other kind of Hagada made, than the Maxwell House ones?
In the history of ad campaigns, I have to give it up to Maxwell House.
Right around 1950, some ad wizards must've said, bet we can reach a diverse audience if we start advertising on religious books.
And son of a gun, if EVERY jew I know doesn't have their grandparent's Maxwell House book in their house for Passover.
A good point has been brought up to me, so i will address it.
My friend Owen said to me yesterday, hey, We can get five minutes to interview Andy Roddick at the Sony Ericsson.
I said, That's awesome.
He said, so why wasn't it awesome when Tiger Woods offered CBS five minutes?
Speaking of the Sony Ericsson, I went there early this week and saw a wasp. No. Literally, I saw a flying bee-like creature with a stringer. Do you know how much energy it took to stifle my laughter?
The Kardashians were also at the Sony. My sister and girlfriend watched them for the first 18 minutes of the Federer match. That is before they summarily walked up and left (the Kardashians, not my crew). I don't really get why they're famous. But then again, they did provide two intelligent ladies with more than 15 minutes of entertainment by merely sitting at the match.
Minnesota's Denard Span 'accidentally' fouled a ball off his mother during the Twins Spring Training game with the Yankees Wednesday. OK, Norman Bates, accidentally.
The Heat are suddenly red-hot, having won 6 straight games. Awesome. Now they'll finish 5th in the East and play Atlanta, instead of Boston, who is much easier to take.
Here's the easiest column to write heading into the Final Four: Why do people hate Duke? That's way easier to do than, i don't know, reporting on the Final Four! Go out, do some research, find a story. Israel Guttierez of the Miami Herald is usually a LOT better than his most recent column. It was lazy, sloppy journalism, built on nothing other than someone ripping Duke. It's a played, tired topic. This Duke team is actually quite lovable, for reasons I've outlined on this blog (in totally objective terms).
I saw the Canes Spring game. Hard to judge a Spring game. But here's what I took away. TONS Of playmakers on the field. I saw more talent on the field, in every position, than I had in a while.
For all the Shanon critics, all I can say, the cupboard has been re-stocked.
For all the Shanon critics, all I can say, the cupboard has been re-stocked.
Does that translate into an ACC title? Does that translate into a BCS bowl game?
I don't know, but there's talent.
So of course, my buddy is getting married Saturday night, the night of the Final Four. First time Duke's been since 2004. Doesn't matter. That's why God invented TIVO, IPHONE, and pretending to go to the bathroom 15 times to check the TV down the hall.
What do you think of this format? As always with the blog, any and all feedback is appreciated. I'm trying to make this an enjoyable read. I'm in the customer-service business, so please let me know how I can better serve you, my loyal readers.
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