Anyone who knows me, knows I like to set strict rules for myself. And then quickly violate them. This morning I violated two rules: No waking up before 11 and no sports-talk.
And man, oh man, has it been worth it.
I had the distinct pleasure of hearing Jim "Mad Dog" Mandich back on WQAM.
As I write this, Mad Dog is back on talking about the Dolphins.
I can't tell you how long I've waited to hear Mad Dog back on the air.
My excitement has many levels.
My first is as a listener. I'll put it simply, Jim Mandich is the best radio talent in this town. It's not that complicated. His mix of passion, knowledge, humor, and relate-ability to his audience are unmatched. He has a way of taking complex ideas and making them incredibly simple. How many other radio hosts have changed the LEXICON of this town? 'Riding around with the windows down, ' alright Miami,' and on and on and on...
So yeah, it's simply just great to hear his VOICE on the radio.
I've written this before, but I think it bears repeating. Mad Dog is also one of the finest human beings I've ever met.
There's an expression he told me once, and it stuck with me.
I think it explains how he does business, how he treats people, and it's something that I aspire to every day.
"I don't do pety."
He doesn't have the time to get into the BS that most of us waste our time at.
I have worked for Jim for about a decade now, and I can say, he's always made me feel like a VIP. He's made me a guest at his touchdown club luncheon on Tuesday, welcomed me to his restaurant in the Keys, and made me feel like a part of his family.
But that's what he does.
That makes me think of one other quality of Mad Dog's which is so unique. He's not threatened by other people's success. He embraces young talent. He wants others to do well. It's not, I have to have the spotlight. Rather, it's, we can all succeed.
On the radio today, Jim talked about his cancer treatment. And right now, he's doing well. He said "This is a tough fight, but I'm up for the challenge." There's no one I know more equipped mentally, physically, and spiritually to kick cancer's ass than Mad Dog.
If being a good person, treating people the right way, and being a consummate professional count for anything in this world, today won't be the last time I hear the Mad Dog behind the mic.
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