I don't know all the rules of soccer, but I do know that Koman Coulibaly (not pictured) called an AWFUL game on Friday.
The ref from Mali blew a CRITICAL call that cost the US a win in the World Cup.
Now, technically, because England's been so dreadful in the World Cup, the US can win its last match of the opening round and advance to the Round of 16. (the only highlight of England's performance so far has been David Beckham's suits, the man can dress).
That's fine.
But the match I watched on Friday was an absolute disgrace to sport, and this knucklehead should never be allowed on a pitch again.
I kid you not, I really think the match was fixed.
There's one of two culprits.
Either, the ref had a POLITICAL reason to hate the US (not out of the realm of possibilities--- although my knowledge of US-Mali relations is limited) *OR* this guy was on the take.
THROUGHOUT the match, it was called ONE WAY, and some of the calls were absurd.
A key US player received a yellow card for what appears to be breathing.
Short of putting on one of the Slovenia jerseys (which looked like they were designed by Charlie Brown), the ref COULD NOT have been more biased.
The number one objective of good officiating is to make yourself invisitble.
That goes IN PARTICULAR for the end of game situations.
In the 4th quarter, 9th inning, 85th minute...
That's not time for you to "step up" refs, it's time for you to stand down.
Sports should be decided by the combatants.
That's why we watch.
Nobody wants to see a contest decided by a whistle, especially an errant, ignorant one.
I feel for the US players.
I really do.
They busted their asses to make a tremendous comeback down 2-nil and HAD the chance to walk away with a win.
That win was taken away.
Saturday FIFA is reviewing his performance.
Not much to review.
He sucked.
Now it's time to take away this guy's whistle.
Dave, decent post, but don't leave the dreadful defending by the US in the first half out of this. I find it hard to believe, but they were fortunate to only give up 2 in that half. Ugh, it still makes me nervous for the Algeria game.
ReplyDeleteThat said, we witnessed one of the better World Cup displays in that 2nd half, in terms of sheer will by a team. Yes, the ref was terrible, but, good lord, the US team came alive, and, if that verve and vigor carries through to next week, there is no reason that the US isn't a contender.
oh no doubt the US dug itself a hole... I'm not looking to raise the Cup per say... I just want to see how the US truly stacks up... hard to get a gauge when you're dealing with such an awful ref