Miami (not pictured) has lost out to New York/New Jersey for the 2014 Super Bowl.
Economically, it's a hit for my hometown.
Personally, I love it when the Super Bowl comes here. I went to 2 of the games, and had a blast both times.
With that said, people are complaining about the weather for the Super Bowl.
How dare you host an event in New York City in the winter?
I say, who cares?
First of all, real fans aren't the ones buying tickets to Super Bowl games.
The guy who buys 8 Dolphins games in section 415, 2 preseason games, and 10 parking passes, can't afford to go to the game if it's in New York or South Florida.
Some corporate suit who is trying to woo an extra client, who doesn't know Drew Brees from Drew Barrymore, that's who is going to be sitting there.
So I say, let him freeze.
Most people are hoping for good weather, I want a g.d. monsoon.
I hope his hands are so numb that he can't even put in his bluetooth to check the foreign markets.
Secondly, as for the events themselves, New York-New Jersey is awesome.
People go there independent of the weather.
New York is one of the biggest tourist destinations in the galaxy for a reason.
Hotels, restaurants, bars... New York is first class.
They've had Super Bowls in Detroit and Jacksonville.
You gonna tell me New York can't handle an event like this?
I've been to the World Series in New York on several occassions.
It's always cold.
And it's always amazing.
Some have even had the nerve to complain about the conditions for the players.
Does this argument even need addressing?
We're talking about FOOTBALL.
These guys are paid millions of dollars.
AND it's the Super Bowl.
If they were playing a Super Bowl on the surface of the sun, and you offered Dan Marino the chance to quarterback it, you don't think he'd take it?
I say, let's enjoy.
It should be a great game and a great time.
In the words of Alicia Keys, let's hear it for New York....
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