My first question... which preseason game is this action photo from? You have to give me credit, to find a photo of Dorell Wright playing took time.
South Florida sports fans harbor a particular scorn for Ted Ginn Junior. Understandable I guess. He has not lived up to his draft pick. Still, Ginn did account for two wins against the Jets, and has shown flashes of why the Fins took him. The guy has speed. Not his fault that he's not being used a complimentary receiver and that Cam Cameron made a stupid crack about drafting his whole family.
Whenever I hear the Ginn bashing, I always think: What about Dorell Wright? How has he been able to fly under the radar? This guy was a first-round pick back in 2004. As my friend Matt reminds me nearly once a week, the Heat passed on a much-needed point guard in his favor. And during his years here in Miami, Wright's biggest accomplishment is being really good friends with Dwyane Wade.
And for that he gets millions.
Think about this guy's gig. He gets season tickets to the Heat. He gets front-row seats. And he makes millions.
All for being Dwyane Wade's friend.
I'd like to apply for that job. No seriously, I want that job. I've always dreamed of being an NBA 12th man or a 3rd string QB.
Honestly, Flash.... I'm a really good friend. I'll laugh at your jokes, listen to your personal problems... sign me up!
The latest development for Dorell is he was pulled over in his Bentley and is accused of driving under the influence. I'm a big proponent of letting the justice system play out. I'm all for a guy getting his due process. But a Bentley? Dorell Wright gets to drive a Bentley? That'd be like if someone gave me a Ferrari for *watching* the news every night. Come on.
Bigger point, no athlete should get a DUI: ever. They have too much money, too much to lose. Call a cab. Buy a cab company. You're rich.
If Wright is found guilty, I'd like to see the Heat cut him. Do not pass go, do not collect 500 dollars. Just thanks for your years of service, let's not draft a kid straight out of high school ever again.
Amazingly, the heat could have recouped a 1st rounder for dorell but in their endless pursuit of pleasing D-Wade they let the incredible offer slip through at an additional cost of like 6 mil or so in luxury tax. I'm sick of wade the pseudo-GM--at this point if someone offered the first pick and some fillers, I would think about trading DWade and getting something back. He has 2 good years max left in him and then is going to be a tmac type contract. Maybe with wall and + beasley, we could build a team that has more than a 1-2 yr window...
ReplyDeleteIf you're the 12th man on an NBA team, do you get laid as often as the other guys? Do you think Alan Ogg got lots of trim?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, you only get $200 for passing go.
Ari, that's not what my brother told me as a kid, no wonder he always won monopoly!