Steven Slater (not pictured) is not a hero, he's an ass**le.
The Jet Blue flight attendant had reached his wits end.
He went off on a passenger over the intercom, grabbed a beer (a funny touch), and slid away to glory.
To me, that's epitome of someone acting unprofessional.
What's crazy is that people are celebrating him.
Someone on facebook told me "it's 'Take this job and shove it' taken to the next level."
As if, the ability to just go off on people is the ultimate form of wish fulfillment.
Look, I love "Office Space" as much as the next movie geek.
Peter Gibbons represents what it's like to work for a monster boss in a thankless position.
HE is the ultimate work anti-hero.
He stops going to work, get promoted for it, and then steals from the company.
There are two key differences between Gibbons and this now-famous flight attendant.
The first, is that Peter worked at a tech company.
He didn't see clients face-to-face.
Steve Slater signed up for this.
The job of flight attendant entails, serving Blue Chips, making sure the safety exits are all clear, and not acting like a douchebag.
If he couldn't meet these requirements, he should've found something else to do.
Oh the other big difference, Peter Gibbons isn't real.
In real life, you're not supposed to flip out at your boss or the customers, especially in this economy.
That's the real reason I think he's being celebrated.
In the bad economy, many people are stuck working jobs they don't want or just feeling grateful to HAVE a job.
And so, this guy getting to vent makes him a hero.
I think the opposite.
In this economy, you are lucky to have a job, even if its peddling Blue Chips.
The worst part of this, he's going to make a fortune off his bad behavior.
Get ready for his reality show.
I won't be watching (unless my girlfriend dvr's it).
LOVE the title, and half agree with your sentiment. I come from a long line of assholes blowing up on people, so that part of me lauds this guy. The other part of me agrees with you in that he signed up to be a flight attendent. Come on, buddy. Didn't you see "Airplane" or ... ANY movie with a plane in it?!
ReplyDeletePS - the word verification for that post was "hersacs"... is that similar to taysachs?!
ReplyDeletehahha... thanks for loving the title, ipadu casey?
ReplyDeleteBest not pictured ever!!
ReplyDeleteHow do you feel about Jennifer Aniston (not pictured) flipping off her boss due to her lack of flair?? That was a sentiment I enjoyed, and she was in the customer service industry as well...
I don't agree with this stupid flight attendant and/ or the subsequent publicity and/or the fact that I'm even talking about it. So, for the record, I don't believe that said reality show would be dvr worthy.
thanks babe! That Jennifer Aniston moment was the least interesting in the entire movie. You won't DVR that? Then why was I watching "I'm Prengant And Think I May Be Having A Dwarf" last week?